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Enhancing Landscape Photos with Photoshop and Lightroom

Enhancing Landscape Photos with Photoshop and Lightroom free download

Lynda – Enhancing Landscape Photos with Photoshop and Lightroom Download

On This page you can buy and download Enhancing Landscape Photos with Photoshop and Lightroom video course from Lynda with High Speed & Direct link.

Landscape photography usually takes place in the more wild parts of the world, and the process begins when you are so taken by your surroundings that you feel compelled to photograph them. In my experience, what makes some wild places so compelling is the profound sense of presence that you feel while you’re in those places. We tend to engage with wilderness in a more visceral, connected way than we do with the environment that we usually live in. I find it paradoxical, then, that after feeling that sense of connectedness I raise my camera to my eye and begin a process that disconnects me from that place.

I’m actually placing a camera between me and the world. I’m reducing my experience to only visual. And if the wilderness experience is going well, I’m leaving a simpler, calmer mental state and going into one filled with thoughts of technical concerns and paper choice and printing inks and storage and so on. Yet, as photographers, light is our medium. And some of the most spectacular light that you’ll find is in those more wild parts of the world. Whatever your reason for shooting landscapes, one thing is constant.

By The End of This training Course, you learned how to Explore post-production tools and techniques that can help you tackle the unique challenges of landscape photography.

Enhancing Landscape Photos with Photoshop and Lightroom Topics include:

  • Making global adjustments
  • Cropping and straightening
  • Global tone and color
  • Making localized tone and color adjustments in Lightroom
  • Moving from Lightroom to Photoshop
  • Thinking like a painter
  • Duration: 1h 30m
  • Skill Level : Intermediate
  • Instant download with high speed : Yes

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