Revit Tutorials

Renovation Projects in Revit

Renovation Projects in Revit free download

Renovation Projects in Revit Download

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Now we are going to talk about revising and rebuilding and finally remodeling a project in sight. First, take the architectural model we are considering and change all the different parts of the building piece by piece. Then we analyze the whole building Which part should we keep and which part should we clean? Afterwards, we design and design the parts of the foundation and roof. Lastly, I use different design abutments in Revit 2015 to achieve a perfect design.

At the end of this tutorial you will be able to perform the analysis and change steps of a building and how to view and submit a project in Revit 2015. We hope you enjoy this tutorial as we do.

By The End of This training Course, you learned how to Revit to model, document, and present a renovation project. Software required: Revit 2015.

  • Level : Beginner
  • Duration: 1h 10m
  • Instant download with high speed : Yes

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