Revit Tutorials

Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional

Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional free download

Lynda – Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional

On This page you can buy and download Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional, video course from Lynda, with High Speed & Direct link.

Why would you want to become an Autodesk Certified Professional in Revit Architecture? Well, the reason is that it means that you are a certain level of competency, a certain benchmark. It means you can walk into an organization after going through all the interviews and be able to hit the ground running rather than having to learn how to use Revit Architecture in order to fulfill a role. The whole idea of the certification exam for Revit Architecture is that you take the exam and it proves that you are at that certain level of competency.

The whole idea of this course is to take you through the topics and the domains that you need to know about in preparation for your Autodesk Certified Professional exam in Revit Architecture. So as we work through each of the chapters, you’ll start to learn about all the different aspects of Revit Architecture that you need to know about for your exam. We’re not going to give you exact answers to the exam, that’s not what we’re allowed to do. But the whole idea is is that you’ll have all those topics available to you to revise and refresh your memory about those Revit methodologies and so on that you need to know for your exam. I must stress that this particular course is no guarantee that you’re going to pass your exam, either. All this course does is it gives you the background information that you need to know. To pass the exam is up to you. You’ve got to go in there and pass that exam to prove that you’re at that level of competency to use Revit Architecture.

By The End of This training Course, you learned how to Become an Autodesk Certified Professional. Study for the Revit for Architectural Design exam while you reinforce your Revit skills.

Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional Topics include:

  • What is Autodesk certification?
  • Modeling walls, floors, roofs, and ceilings
  • Working with columns
  • Using site and topography
  • Creating and editing materials
  • Configuring family types
  • Creating and deleting family instances
  • Creating a family
  • Dimensions and annotations
  • Design options
  • Configuring export settings
  • Creating and managing views
  • Managing imported and linked files
  • Worksharing
  • Project standards
  • Shared, project, and global parameters
  • Duration: 4h 23ms
  • Skill Level : Intermediate
  • Instant download with high speed : Yes

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